My vibe
Does you audience know and love you?This is where I help you shine.

I unite people and ideas.

With technology expanding, we have an unprecedented opportunity to connect with each other across land and sea in real time.

What a gift that is!

Words have the magical quality of touching hearts and opening minds.  They are the tools of my chosen craft.

With them, we can ignite feeling and reach new heights together.

If I learned anything through the pandemic, it was that we all have something to offer and I’m here to help you do that.

Together we can bring your message, your value, and your brand before a global community in a way that feels good to everyone.

Want to know more?

I am a teacher.

I started out teaching young ones and learned the art of clarifying.  They blessed me with a playful spirit and a lighthearted essence.

I went on to teach adults from all over the world and learned the art of listening. They blessed me with an open mind and a global perspective.

Always, I cared about creating positive experiences that uplifted and expanded possibilities.


I am a writer.

Words are my friends.  I spend a great deal of time with them and respect the power they carry.

My entire life I’ve used them for self discovery and self expression in a quiet back-end kind of way. They help sustain and expand me.

Now I use them to support businesses like yours in a bold front-end kind of way. They help sustain and expand you.


Both teaching and writing are special gifts that I carry within.

When I can use them on behalf of the greater good, I am completely on purpose.

Ready to work together?

We can set up a discovery call at no charge.