Evergreen Content

Have you ever wondered what it is that allows an evergreen tree to sustain itself through the changing seasons?

Nature has much to teach us if we take the time and develop the respect to do so. When it comes to content, believe it or not, the same holds true.

Many a content strategist has suggested implementing evergreen content. Why? Because it works.

Evergreen content is carefully designed to be of value at any particular point in time. It weathers any storm, quite literally.

If you look at the forest, you learn 2 lessons from the evergreen trees.

     1. Well designed architecture
     2. Well thought-out investment

Let’s look at each of these and how you can translate this to your content plan.


1. Well designed architecture


A tree designs its leaves for a very specific purpose just like you do with your content.

Evergreens chose to design leaves that not only withstand snow and wind without breaking off, but keep doing their job, in some cases, for dozens of years.

Evergreen content is designed to do the same thing. It keeps doing its job over time. It works each and everyday to support you and bring life to your business. It communicates who you are and what you do no matter when it is read. It is those aspects that do not change and relate to who you are in timeless ways.

It is always relevant.


2. Well thought-out investment


It requires effort for a tree to create a leaf just like it requires effort for you to create content.

With the evergreen, it considers natural cycles and invests in leaves that will carry it through each of them. The added foresight allows them to maintain a constant connection to their source of life.

The same holds true for evergreen content. The investment in the planning process is partially where the value lies. However, recent discoveries from Suzanne W. Simard reveal that there is a support network underground that keeps the forest strong. Here in what she calls the “wood wide web”, there is a sharing of resources, up to 40% of the carbon that is stored is shared between all trees.

So, it appears the investment is not only for the tree but for the entire forest. They realize the value of a social network. Translated to your content, this means that the planning process is not only about maintaining a constant connection but of providing support and resources for all who discover it.

It is always generous.


Just like the forest, we are all interconnected and the greatest value we can cultivate is our connections. Evergreen content is a great way to do that!


“Connection is why we are here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.”

Brene Brown

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