Evolve your content

Evolve your content with strong connections.

It is not only life that is continuously evolving, so is the way we relate.  When we are infants we relate to others through sounds and expressions, and as we advance in age we learn new skills and ways to connect with our environment.

It is the same with content.

Content is merely a way of connecting. Each step you take towards building sustainable connections, helps you to evolve your content.

Since connections are built and not granted, here are 5 principles to guide your efforts.

  1. Credibility – back up any and all claims and be transparent
  2. Clarity – be purposeful and make each word matter
  3. Compassion – focus on the users emotions, questions and goals
  4. Consistency – speak from your brand’s voice and keep it human
  5. Conciseness – communicate efficiently with simple and meaningful words

Focusing on these principles, not only evolves your content but your connections as well.

It reminds me a bit of the 3 Little Pigs.  There are straw houses and stick houses but evolving your content with these principles is like building your house out of bricks.  No big bad wolf can come and blow it down!


Because you invested in people.  You focused on their needs and built loyalty, understanding and confidence in your brand.  Basically, you made your online presence friendly.

This is what UX (user-experience) is all about.  It takes the focus off of the end point (whatever that may be) and it puts it on the user, the person.

Its writing and designing and prioritizing people. That’s the evolution of content.

You build for the long term and your content opens the door to making that happen.

Whether its blogs, infographics, videos, articles, web copy or social media posts, you focus on making the entire customer journey easy and enjoyable and recognize the value of each touchpoint along the way. It all matters.

You are investing in people, and there is no greater asset!

“Invest in great relationships, they will pay a lifetime of dividends.”

Bill Walsh

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